


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ve-average temperatures, the long-term advance in phenology was reduced.
2 sponse of the foot was impaired and sweat gland innervation was reduced.
3 tant mice, but auditory brainstem response wave-I amplitude was reduced.
4 ectar; however, flavonoid content and antioxidant potential were reduced.
5 f antimicrobial therapy 24.30 versus 18.97 days; P = 0.018) were reduced.
6 tolerance and circulating leptin, GLP-1, and insulin levels were reduced.
7 revealed an increase in luciferase activity under HG, which was reduced after mutation of the Sp-1-binding site.
8 $100,000 per QALY), regardless of whether treatment effects were reduced after 5 years or persisted for the remaining lif
9                                                         AVA was reduced and a trend toward reduced IVNV was seen in UPI/O
10 ells each bound NOTCH2, and signaling from NOTCH2 signaling was reduced but not completely inhibited, in response to JAG1
11     For each 1-year increase in age at menarche, risk of MS was reduced by 13% (hazard ratio = 0.87, 95% confidence inter
12 romatography analyses, the peak molecular weight of the PAM was reduced by 2 orders of magnitude, from roughly 10 MDa to
13                           The results showed that the % FFA was reduced by 44.3, PV by 50.2, and FOS reading by 40.1% in
14 dds for trainee supervision or repeated patient examination was reduced by 45.3% (95% CI, 33.5-55.1) and 19.8% (95% CI, 4
15 the original tumours in immunocompetent humans, and hypoxia was reduced by adoptive TH1 transfer.
16                              Binding in the PD-L1(+) spleen was reduced by coadministration of BMS-986192.
17             Importantly, the autophagy-inducing bioactivity was reduced by interference with IL-6 trans-signaling.
18 izobacterial colonization of the low compatibility cultivar was reduced by mycorrhizal arbuscule formation.
19 ce (ie, global afterload) and myocardial oxygen consumption were reduced by -11% and -12% (P=0.03 and 0.01), respectively
20 ive CRE transmissions over 5 years across all 10 facilities were reduced by 79%-93% compared to no-intervention simulatio
21 insulin content and insulin:chromogranin A immunoreactivity were reduced by approximately 60%, and glucose-stimulated ins
22 n fraction was comparable between groups, longitudinal peak was reduced compared with control subjects.
23 9 oligos) without pre-purification, and the error-frequency was reduced from 14.25/kb to 0.53/kb.
24  estimated that the under-5 mortality rate in PMI countries was reduced from 28.9 to 24.3 per 1,000 person-years.
25                                      The rate of dehiscence was reduced from 6.6% to 3.8%, P = 0.03 comparing year 2009 t
26 c TLQP-62 infusion had rapid antidepressant efficacy, which was reduced in BDNF floxed mice injected in dHc with AAV-Cre,
27     Between months 24 and 48, the rate of lung density loss was reduced in delayed-start patients (from -2.26 g/L per yea
28                   At 8 months, the risk for iron deficiency was reduced in the delayed clamping group in 60 (22.2%) vs 10
29 eneration in the absence of platelets; however, this effect was reduced in the presence of platelets.
30 ylation in the presence of CaMKII, and this phosphorylation was reduced in the presence of the KAR subunit GluK1 or GluK2
31 sponses to acetylcholine in pressurized mesenteric arteries were reduced in KW versus HW (P<0.01), whereas deletion of No
32 latelets to the inferior vena cava wall after DVT induction were reduced in MC-deficient mice.
33 nce, -17.06 [3.14] mum; 95% CI, -23.29 to -10.82; P < .001) were reduced in patients with MS compared with healthy contro
34 +)), and particularly those expressing both CXCR3 and CD161 were reduced most significantly, whereas the anti-inflammator
35 ntakes, predicted bias in estimated nutrient relative risks was reduced on average, but bias in the energy risk coefficie
36 -specific CTSD(f/f)/p48(Cre/+) animals, markers of severity were reduced only at 1 h, whereas in the complete KO, this ef
37                             During HFNC, minute ventilation was reduced (P < 0.001) at constant arterial CO2 tension and
38               Clinically, vaginal-douche BD2 concentrations were reduced (p < 0.05) in women suffering rUTIs, compared to
39                       Accompanying this loss of performance was reduced response to rule-critical events across the distr
40  of chitosan in the solid soluble content and ascorbic acid were reduced; retarded the loss of titratable acidity during
41   Spine density was similar among control and CAD cases but was reduced significantly in AD.
42 ere groups (both p < 0.001); (2) the mean cone-mediated PLR was reduced significantly in the moderate-severe group (p = 0
43 e number of wild poliovirus (WPV) cases detected in Nigeria were reduced significantly, from 122 in 2012 to 6 in 2014.
44       Levels of both higher and lower chlorinated congeners were reduced throughout the sediment column indicating that b
45                                      Mean arterial pressure was reduced to 30 mm Hg for 90 minutes, followed by resuscita
46 ed at pH7.4, whereas it increased significantly when the pH was reduced to 6.2.
47 CD11c(+) cells was higher in Per a 10-administered mice and was reduced upon PAR-2 blockage.
48 ent on SOB3 mutants grown in moderate-intensity white light was reduced when polar auxin transport was inhibited.
49 In drinking monkeys, evoked firing of OFC pyramidal neurons was reduced, whereas the amplitude and frequency of postsynap
50 ther seen when inhibitory effects of short wavelength light were reduced with increasing serum concentration and cell con

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